
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


Transformational Technologies

Jonathan Kempe, CEO/Founder, Verifai

  • Technologies that increase productivity - machine learning, augmented reality and low Earth orbit (satellites)
  • Transform processes - efficiency, accountability, transparency
  • Robotics in the building industry - how Boston Dynamics, Fastbrick Robotics and Leica are redefining building efficiency and productivity

Innovations in Structural Timber

Jason Caldow, Specification & Technical Representative, Hyne Timber

  • Introducing the GLT Range of laminated timbers
  • Beam 15 benefits of use
  • Brief explanation of where and how to apply beam 15
  • Timber versus steel options in relation to supply

Case Studies on Decreases/Omissions of Scope and Statutory Warranties

Anish Wilson, Senior Associate, Kreisson 

  • The NCAT’s view on decreases/omissions of scope and their effect on price under the MBA BC4 Contract
  • At what point in time do the statutory warranties in the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW) commence?


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*Registrations now closed* 





$50.00 Members $60.00 Non Members


Roseville Golf Club
4 Links avenue
Roseville NSW 2069


Northern Suburbs
Manly Warringah

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points