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NSW Long Service Corporation Employer Returns for the 2020-2021 financial year are due for completion by 31 July 2021.

Returns can be completed online via the Employer portal.

For Employers that need assistance to complete their return (or wish to view a ‘refresher’ on the steps required to make sure their return is completed properly), material has been prepared to guide them through the process. A page has been placed on the Corporation’s website about Employer returns, Employer obligations, frequently asked questions. To view all the information available to assist Employers, go to the Corporation’s website.

The Corporation pursues compliance through educating and assisting Employers to meet their obligations. Non-compliant Employers will be identified and required to attend Corporation offices for an audit. The Corporation also intends to enforce available penalties on those who fail to comply.

If an Employer is not sure if they have met their obligations, they can check their record online, or contact the Corporation’s Helpline on 13 14 41.