Construction (Commercial) » Safety Innovation
Buildcorp Group
Proactive Improvement of High Rise Facade Replacement Safety Using Mast Climbers and Swing Stages

Measuring safety performance is of paramount importance. However, relying solely on a basic reporting system to record past incidents does not truly enhance safety for individuals, residents, or the public. The most effective approach is to cultivate a safety-conscious culture and raise awareness among those involved in the work. 
This principle is exemplified by Buildcorp's recent safety campaign initiative for working at heights, "1,2,3 It's on Me.” This initiative is further supported by the Buildcorp guides to working with swing stages and mast climbers. The documents were established in the absence of clear guidelines in Australian Standards and regulations around operating two of the most complex powered access systems required to undertake façade work. 
The guides define Buildcorp's minimum standards, processes, controls, and requirements for designing, installing, and operating both mast climbers and swing stages in order to ensure works are undertaken as safely as possible.
This commitment to establishing robust safety protocols ensures that façade work is carried out with the utmost safety in mind. Consequently, Buildcorp's entry is undoubtedly deserving of recognition.

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Buildcorp Group
Buildcorp Group
Buildcorp Group
Buildcorp Group